Global Search in version 15


Moving from Frappe v14 to Frappe v15 I’m getting no results when searching for my doctypes in my custom application.

The doctypes are included in global_search_doctypes in
The doctypes are visible in Global Search Settings. I have tried ‘Reset’
The correct fields for each doctype have ‘In Global Search’ box checked.

Has something changed? Am I missing something?

Last option check.

If enabled the “User Cannot Search” then disable it.

‘User Cannot Search’ was not enabled.

Still no search results for the doctype in my app.

Just bumping this in case anyone else if having trouble. Definitely can’t get global search to work reliably for custom doctypes in version 15

Migrate, clear cache, and build the app.

If ir is not worked, then create a new site and check it.


I am experiencing this issue with the standard Item doctype, trying to search for words in the description field. However I get the No Results view.
I have verified in Customize form that the field description is checked as “In Global Search”

Anybody have this problem or resolve this issue?