Go1CMS vs ERPNext Website


I am new to ERPNext and I couldn’t find this on the forums.
It seems to me that Go1CMS has more blocks, for greater ease of making customer-facing websites while the ERPNext Website module is stronger for knowledge base and webforms.

Is there any plan to “merge” them? Can I use them in tandem?
I appreciate any help in making this decision!

Thanks for your help!

Hi @Murilo_Melo:

Explore this …

It will blown your mind … :wink:

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Wow! Looks great! Thanks @avc! I will explore it.

For others who may see this topic: for now the documentation is best found on Telegram. On the Frappe Marketplace, documentation points to a placeholder, but there is a 2h video of a live session (that I still have to watch).

Congrats, team! Your work is deeply appreciated!

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