GoCardless webhook error


I am trying to use the webhook from gocardless to Erpnext with this URL:


But I am getting this Errormessage on gocardless:

{"exception":"frappe.exceptions.ValidationError: Failed to get method for command erpnext.erpnext_integrations.doctype.gocardless_settings.webhooks. with No module named 'erpnext.erpnext_integrations.doctype.gocardless_settings.webhooks'","exc_type":"ValidationError","exc":"[\"Traceback (most recent call last):\\n  File \\\"apps/frappe/frappe/handler.py\\\", line 74, in execute_cmd\\n    method = get_attr(cmd)\\n  File \\\"apps/frappe/frappe/handler.py\\\", line 283, in get_attr\\n    method = frappe.get_attr(cmd)\\n  File \\\"apps/frappe/frappe/__init__.py\\\", line 1708, in get_attr\\n    return getattr(get_module(modulename), methodname)\\n  File \\\"apps/frappe/frappe/__init__.py\\\", line 1429, in get_module\\n    return importlib.import_module(modulename)\\n  File \\\"/usr/lib/python3.10/importlib/__init__.py\\\", line 126, in import_module\\n    return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)\\n  File \\\"<frozen importlib._bootstrap>\\\", line 1050, in _gcd_import\\ TRUNCATED

settings based on this:


The Endpoint URL of your webhook should be:


Webhooks Secret Key in GoCardless account settings in ERPNext is ok.

any ideas?


We’ve open-sourced our GoCardless Banking solution. You can check it out!

P.S: We’re currently awaiting approval for the Frappe Marketplace.

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thank you, I tested this, but as I see your solution is useful to collect data and send payments from bank accounts.

Bu we want to send payment request via GoCardless, I am not sure if this is working.


I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware of your intention. Yes, our solution is similar to Plaid integration, but tailored for European banks.

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It’s a nice tool!

Maybe it’s possible to co-exists with GoCardless payment requests?


I’m not sure, but I think validation error would be related to being able to access the webhook endpoint URL external from your network or incorrect token/secret. Can you confirm access to your webhook endpoint URL from another network like a cell phone? Are you getting this error when using “send test webhook” in the GoCardless website, developer section?


did the following changes/tests

  • changed webhook password
  • tried to reach given link on other network

always same error:

module 'erpnext.erpnext_integrations.doctype.gocardless_settings' has no attribute 'webhooks'

What is the output of the “bench version” commmand?

Also, can you please reply to how you are testing the webhook? For example, are you using the “Send Test Webhook” on the GoCardless website?

EDIT: I think I was able to duplicate this on Version-15. Since the gocardless_settings folder has moved (it was still in erpnext integrations in v13 and v14), so has the webhook URL. Here is the new location that worked for me:


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Thank you very much! this was this missing link!

Test is now OK