GST Credit note for discount without items

How can we pass a GST credit note under the Reason for Issuing document"02 - Post Sale Discount" without affecting the items or rates in the original invoice?
It should either be through a dummy item,
Or the mandatory requirement of an item should be conditional if credit note type is “02”.

@Smit_Vora , can you guide regarding this please? Thanks.

Your question is not clear.

FYI, field reason for issuing document is redundant and is not used anywhere.
We removed it here and will be released soon.

Thank you for the reply. Apologies for the poorly worded question. I will try and explain in a little more details.

As per GST , a credit note is raised by the supplier to the recipient. The return document requires reason for raising credit note , which I why I believe the field was provided in the invoice. (I would urge you not to delete it!)

There are the following reasons for raising a credit note as below.

01-Sales Return
02-Post Sale Discount
03-Deficiency in services
04-[Correction in Invoice]
05-Change in POS
06-Finalization of Provisional assessment

Broadly they involve either return of goods or no return of goods and merely a discount.
However, in ERPNext the Items child table is mandatory, so we cannot simply add an additional discount and create the credit note (without items).

Even if we add items, it requires that the item be present in the original invoice, so we cannot use a dummy discount item.

The only option is to arbitrarily reduce one of the items in a way where qty x rate = discount to be given
and keep update stock unchecked.

As such the credit note feature is not designed keeping in mind, overall discount on an invoice without return of goods.

Seek your suggestion in handling such use cases.
