GST for Hotel Industry in India


We are currently working on Hotels Module and have come to taxation part of it.

As per Govt Norms, GST is charged based on Slabs of Room Tariff.
Additional Ref:

In Hospitality Industry, room tariffs are quite volatile so its difficult to keep changing GST rates for a Room type. A room type will have different tariffs in different packages.

In Short, we want to be able apply GST rate based on Selling Price of an Item.

Is there a way to address this ERPNext?


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To create different tax items ( in your case room type) you can create different varients and apply taxes based on varients.This can be one solution.


The issue is that room tariffs are volatile and change based on various factors. Making a new variant for each new price for each room type might be too much of an administrative exercise.


yes. This is an issue with erpnext. it has fixed taxes and charges template and you need to create 4 variants of the same room to work in current situation.
I am suggesting that similar to salary structure which has a formula based approach, taxes and charges template should also get this feature.
That way we can easily incorporate the formula into it

Would like to add citation from the link shared earlier. It mentions that Extra Bed charges are considered a part of room rates so GST Slab may change per transaction too.


FAQ 2 : What will be the GST rate if cost goes up (more than declared tariff) owing to additional bed?

REPLY 2 : GST Rate would be determined according to declared tariff for the room, and GST at the rate so determined would be levied on the entire amount charged from the customer. For example, if the declared tariff is Rs. 7000/- per unit per day but the amount charged from the customer on account of extra bed Rs. 8000/-. GST Shall be charged @ 18% on Rs. 8000/-.

right but the government recently changed the declared tariff rule by now considering the actual price of the room paid by the customer the deciding factor in the tax rate. So, i can have a room for 999 and pay 0 tax and same room at 3400 and pay 18% tax.
This has eased the situation a bit but i guess erpnext would have to spin up an entirely new module to cater to the specific needs of the hospitality industry.

just chiming in, 6 months have passed from my last reply on this thread. Any updates on slab rate based item tax structure or hotel industry ?

@Smit_Vora your inputs about this topic are appreciated. Does India compliance app supports this as of now, that is rate based on selling price.

Item tax template can vary by Item Price automatically. This is configurable in Item Doctype.

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