Hello, my first post on the website and first of all, i am very excited with this project and i am an accountant and i am seriously considering moving my entire client base to erpnext. Anyways, i have downloaded the virtualbox image to play with the setup and i have found a couple of issues that are there but just need a bit of help.
At the time of making a sale or a purchase invoice, once we select a customer for example, there is a head “address and contact” which has details like “customer address, billing address gstin, territory, etc”. The issue at hand is that i should be able to fill this detail at the time of creating a new supplier so that this detail gets auto populated. ie, if only in a particular invoice i need to.
If i ignore this “address and contact” head while entering a sale invoice, checking the GSTR-1 report, it does NOT show the GSTIN of the supplier but i have already saved in “tax id” of the customer at the time of creation of account.
We should be able to add “territory” to the company and by doing so, if the customer was created with a different territory, it should auto select " out of state gst". Like if i have a company and i set its territory to “delhi”. Now, if i create a new customer and set territory to “rajasthan”, it should auto select out state gst and vice versa.
why dont we have a “cash customer” in POS, ie in the case of pos sale, we arent supposed to have debtors and a simple " cash debit to sales". Right now i had to create a debtor named “cash” and sell pos sales to that customer. What is the idea behind this? why cannot we recieve cash payment from nameless customers as is in retail sales ?
Why is there two columns for seemingly same use, “territory” and “place of supply”? am i missing something?
totally unrelated to GST localisation, but is there a way we can select a company to work on so that we do not mix up multiple companies… for example, i have a dozen companies running and dozens of employees working on separate companies. say, just below the name so that a particular employee is only working on one company and there is no need to write the name of a company every time. this has the effect of one person ONLY working on one company at a time. once the work is done, they could simply change to another company and start working…
My suggestions:
- Allow us to enter all the details from “address and contact” at the time of creation of customer /supplier.
- POS sales, allow us to simply receive cash without putting it to a specific customer
EDIT: what is stock and item? whats the difference?
EDIT 2: Freight. How to book it and also pay tax on reverse charge basis on the same? same goes with regular purchases but that can wait a while