GST Tax Breakup Query- Slab based instead of HSN


Can a 8 digit HSN code have multiple GST Rates?

One of our customer has Same HSN code, but with different GST Slabs, and in the Tax Breakup section in Invoice, Breakup is not coming properly. I guess it is defined with assumption that one HSN code will have one GST rate.

Is it possible to get the Breakup of Taxes based on slabs(0%, 5%, 9%) instead of HSN based?

Any Suggestion is really appreciated.


Under Item Tax Template, there are fields for minimum and maximum rate.

That should allow you to apply multiple slabs to same item based on price range:

@kennethsequeira. Thanks for the response. Let me explain better.

Actually, For example We have Item A with HSN Code 19059010 having GST 5%
Item B with same HSN code 19059010 having GST 18%

In the Tax Breakup, table we are getting the breakup agains HSN Code hsn_A
format is as

Since HSN has two tax rates 5% and 18%, the Tax Breakup is coming incorrectly.

We don’t need the Tax Breakup against HSN code. We need the Tax Breakup against the Rate(5% or 18%).

Hope my query is much clearer.
