[Guide] How to install ERPNext v15 on Linux Ubuntu (step-by-step instructions)

Thank you so much for the detailed explain, I do exactly the same thing you told me.

About wkhtmltopdf, Doesn’t Frappe require custom wkhtmltopdf with patched QT from Releases · wkhtmltopdf/packaging · GitHub ?

The one shipped by Ubuntu is not patched

I personally think the dependency on wkhtmltopdf is a mistake due to the following reasons:

  1. It depends on X server, which is almost unmaintained (thus vulnerable, security-wise). #sorry_not_sorry.
  2. It requires a s**t load of additional dependencies, thus increasing the footprint of an installation (may cause unnecessary expenses due to disk usage for small organizations).
  3. Additional dependencies also means, possible points of failure.

The Frappe-framework relies, mostly on python. I think use of a python-only-based solution, will be more appropriate, and easier to debug.

One possible tool I found by five minutes of web search is fpdf2, as it seems promising to perform HTML->PDF conversion.
I would like to suggest that on the frappe-framework 16 (whenever it may arrive), there will be such (python-only-based) solution for creating PDF’s.

It seems frappe team is working on migration from wkhtmltopdf to another library “puppeteer“

There is also reportlab (a python library) to create PDFs.

Thanks for the input. Makes me happy :slight_smile:
Sorry for the long manifesto… :wink:

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all the steps worked great for me until the last step ( Custom Domain & SSL Setup). I was able to access the site in http until the following certbot command:

  sudo certbot --nginx

After running this command, the site is no more available in both HTTPS and HTTP.
Is there anything that must be done?

Running on AWS EC2 Ubuntu 22.04

Edit: I made a mistake by not enabling HTTPS in the security groups. All good