Has ERPNext Desktop become a project yet?

Has the ERPNext Desktop concept from last year meeting made it to a project status yet? Is there aplace where we can see progress, test functions, and contribute?

Sounded like a great idea. Just hoping it actually gets off the ground.


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Yes, active development has started. Our target live date is 31st March!

At this point, we will release only an accounting app first (maybe “Frappe Accounting”) so that the branding is not confusing with ERPNext. Depending on how it goes, we will decide on the direction.

We will post on the forum as soon as its ready for testing!


Any updates on this yet ?

Is there a GitHub location where we can watch the progress of this project?


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Any updates on this?

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Is this project dead?


Here the GitHub link for Frappe Accounting which was released in July. Still long way to go.

Can see that some work is on-going but @netchampfaris would be able to give firm answer.

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Thank you!

It is good to see that it is a project still underway. It is okay if it takes a while to get it right. All good things are worth waiting for.

Better to deliver working than broken.