Help to understand why a field is evaluated undefined when there is actual info on it


I wrote a function that gets triggered when the field is_pos is changed on my client side script for the DocType Sales Invoice.

The problem is that on that script, the evaluation of the field pos_profile is always null.
Printing its content on the console also gives undefined. However if I print its content of the doc returns the expected data for the POS Profile.

Here is my code:

frappe.ui.form.on('Sales Invoice', 'is_pos', function(frm) {
    console.log('CUSTOM: This is the content of the document');
    console.log('CUSTOM: This is the content of the POS Profile on the document ');

I always get a this:

CUSTOM: This is the content of the document
{docstatus: 0, doctype: "Sales Invoice", name: "New Sales Invoice 1", __islocal: 1, (more content...)plc_conversion_rate: 1**pos_profile: "Alejandra Fernandez"**pos_total_qty: 0
CUSTOM: This is the content of the POS Profile on the document

I guess I’m not understanding something that must be basic. May you please help me to understand?

Thank you!