Help understanding Initial Stock Entry

I have two itens with values …

  1. item A
    Qtd 156
    valuation rate 261.42

  2. item B
    Qtd 1990
    valuation rate 2735.91

I create Material Receipt on Stock entry and end up with those values on Accounting 8,776,665.4 while the whole total

Can someone explain me where and how this value is calculated !!! when entering material ?

Can you go back to the Material Receipt transaction that you did. Then click the Menu View → Stock Ledger, can you see what’s the quantity & valuation rate that is set for each item?

Rather than postulate or hope to explain what’s wrong in your case, a more constructive approach -

Some analysis or experimentation on your part would better your own understanding, resolve discrepancies and so on.

Why not export say your Stock Balance to a spreadsheet to troubleshoot your results?

To master and use a pivot table to identify a problem is a good thing - you will amaze yourself if you are not familiar with this tool.

I guess the problem lies in me doing the stock entry instead of using the PI to set the buying price and qtds… I had to cancel all transactions and redo the correct process.

Thanks for the support.

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