So the Employ create the request the was set in Pending State,
The HR decide if approve or not, if Approved the Manager will be the responsible for the final arrpoval/reject.
When I try to save, an error message is shown “Cannot cancel befor submitting. See Transition 2”
From what I know and understand, you can not cancel a document without submitting, i.e. Doc Status transition from 0 to 2 is not allowed. In this example, from in transition step 2, the doc status for pending is being changed from 0 to 2. I guess that is causing the error.
@rasika25021 is right. Every document needs to go through submit before canceling. We were planning to remove this, but slipped through the cracks I guess.
Anyone can help me to set this workflow?
I try to set also all the state 0 with Doc STatus=1. I can save the workflow but then when i Try to use it, an error message was shown, when I try to move from AAA state to HR APP state.
Status cannot be “HR APP”. It should be one of “Open”, “Approved”, “Rejected”
There’s No clear answer until now, @rmehta@max_morais_dmm
Could you please tell us how could we implement the leave application workflow?
should we make the pending status submitted? is it the right way?
Hi all
please may you advice how to solve/workaround this error message :
"Status cannot be “HR APP”. It should be one of “Open”, “Approved”, “Rejected”
I tried to follow the Leave application case mentioned in the documentation before apply workflow on a live case. But sadly even the example is failing with this error message. Any advise?
very appreciated
Sounds like ‘Status’ is a select field with the options ‘Open’, ‘Approved’, and ‘Rejected’. Check ‘Customize Form’ to see. You’ll have to add additional options there.