Hide checkbox on Event and Todo's Tab

Hi All
I want to hide the checkbox on Event & Todo’s Tab.
Want to hide both the checkbox Open Task and Open Event
Please help me how can i achieve this .
I have tried jquery
$(".open-events pl-1.open-section-head.ml-2").hide();
But it seems not to be working, Please help

Hi @Shivam.thaker,

Please apply it.


Thank You!

Thank you @NCP
But can you let me know below things
This in client side script ?

frappe.ui.form.on('Lead', {
	refresh(frm) {

Is above code perfect ?

Hi @Shivam.thaker,

Please apply it.

frappe.ui.form.on('Lead', {
	onload: function(frm) {
	    setTimeout(() => {
	    }, 100);

Then reload and check it.

Thank You!

Yes Now its working.
Many Many Thanks…!

So the issue was when i do it at load, The didnt existed right ?
So we are waiting for 100ms then applying, by that time whole code gets loaded.

Please correct me if i am wrong

Right @Shivam.thaker :smiley: :+1: