Hide one option from a dropdownlist from "filter"

In Quotation doctype, there are some standard filters, for example “Order Type” which is a dropdownlist and contains three options “Sales, Maintenance and Shopping Cart”. I want to hide Maintenance option
how can i do that, thanks for your support

You have to play with the listview client script and hide them :wink:

please apply it.

frappe.listview_settings['Quotation'] = {
    onload: function(listview) {
        frappe.after_ajax(function() {
            const orderTypeFilter = listview.page.fields_dict.order_type.$input;

            if (orderTypeFilter) {
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I appreciate your support brother @NCP

i created a client script as below and went to the quotationlist checked the filter so yet it shows the maintenance

Apply to List, not a Form, please check in the client script in apply to ?

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@NCP Thank you brother (my bad), it worked like charm