Hide reset customization and customize button

I am working on erpnext v13 I create user permission for user x i gave him the role and i customize the form so he only see sales order i want to hide reset customization and customize button for him
anybody now how i can do it

Hi @yara,

Please go to the workspace and if not enabled then enable Disable User Customization.

Then reload and check it.

Button show but the user can’t customize the workspace.

Thank You!

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Thanks for your reply but i can not change this in my workspace …can you guide me to activate it

Hi @yara,

That for, please enable the developer mode.

Please apply the command.

bench --site [sitename] set-config developer_mode 1
bench --site [sitename] migrate
bench --site [sitename] clear-cache
bench --site [sitename] clear-website-cache

Then reload and check it.

Thank You!