Hide warehouse value from warehouse tree

how hide warehouse value from warehouse tree ?

any help please

@hayyan_daood which value ?


what is your version?
Current version of ERPNext is not showing any data in Warehouse tree.

ERPNext: v13.54.6 (version-13)

Try to update the ERPNext App it will not shown in current version.


try this cur_page.page.page.wrapper.find('.balance-area').hide() for warehouse_tree.js

i update the file ‘warehouse_tree.js’ and it disappear .

onrender: function(node) {
                if(frappe.user.has_role("System Manager")){
                      if (node.data && node.data.balance!==undefined) {
                        $('<span class="balance-area pull-right">'
                        + format_currency((node.data.balance), node.data.company_currency)
                        + '</span>').insertBefore(node.$ul);

does your line applicable in client script :


yes, it’s in client script @hayyan_daood

avoid doing direct changes in warehouse_tree.js directly in core erpnext, i have suggested it to add in custom client script for warehouse tree


I can do client script only for form or list .

treeview did not work .

how should i do it .

if you may help please so i do not change the code .

@hayyan_daood add client script for tree in app level with adding file in public/js in your custom app and hooks.py

it did not work .
i will look in to it …
thankyou for your response @Hardik_Gadesha

@hayyan_daood sure