Honarary Aussie?

Hi there.

I am a kiwi, but there’s not a lot of Frappe / ERP Next action happening down here. Where is the Aussie community at? Are there any online meetups or anything?

I am looking to implement Frappe / ERP Next solutions for context


I’m Aussie!

Not sure about meetups etc but Got server running (mostly) smoothly.


I’m getting into server setups as well. Getting some online meetup sounds like an interesting idea. I’d be part of something like that.

And Kiwi timezone is workable. Always good to collaborate across the ditch. I am UTC+9.5 in Adelaide.

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Hi Chris,
Please check out
https://groups.google.com/g/erpnext_au (28 members but it is not very active).

I recommend just use this forum here.


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Thanks guys. ERP Next is really pretty un-heard of here in NZ so not sure how many Kiwis I could bring along. But maybe we set up an initial session, and have ‘hosting’ as the topic?

g’day, another one here :australia:

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It’s beginning to look like a party :grinning:

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