Hoo ! i try to stop supplier name duplication and supplier serial is not work....what shout i do

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thank you so much its working Continuing the discussion from Calculate Custom fields:

hoo !! i try to stop supplier name duplication and supplier serial is not work…what shout i do…

Go to customize form, select supplier in form type.
In Supplier Name field, check Unique check box.
So your supplier name will be unique.

To set supplier by naming series,
Go to Buying > Setup > Buying Setting : select Supplier Naming By - Naming Series

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i have to select the check list view in budget amount field box nut am not able to see not in project task and project table

frappe.ui.form.on(“Expense Claim”, “Task”, function(frm) {
var calculate_paid_amount = function(frm) {
var paid_amount = cur_frm.add_fetch(‘flt(frm.doc.task)’,‘total_expense_claim’,‘total_expense_claim’);
frm.set_value(“paid_amount”, paid_amount);

i have try this code its not working , :sweat_smile:
I have to planned to show new expense claim in the last expence claim of that particular task any one hepl me please

how can link tha task clime amount in expence claim can you help me

hai !
i have to edit email Digest templets and nee to new tasks list of the day
can you help me please