I’m having some trouble hooking Address doctype. I want to autofill the address_title field, but there is a throw(_(“Address Title is mandatory.”)) in autoname method of Address doctype which I think overrides my hook.
I’ve added this to hooks.py of my custom app (let’s call it “myapp”):
doc_events = {
"Address": {
"autoname": "myapp.hooks.nome_endereco",
"before_save": "myapp.hooks.nome_endereco"
def nome_endereco(doc, method):
doc.address_title = doc.address_line1
if method == "autoname":
doc.name = doc.address_title
But I still get “Address Title is mandatory” error…
Is Address doctype hookable? If yes, why my code isn’t working?
PS: I saw that ERPnext overrides the default Frappe Address doctype on its hooks.py:
override_doctype_class = {“Address”: “erpnext.accounts.custom.address.ERPNextAddress”}
Maybe my override is being annuled by it?
Is it possible to “override an override”??