How build Report - Sales Person Target Variance Item Groupwise based on sales invoice?

Hi Team ,

I want to generate Sales Person Target Variance Item Group-wise Report based on sales invoice .Currently this report based on sales order.Any help ? @chdecultot Thanks in advance

Hi @Sathams_Tech_TV,

This report is a script report, so you’ll have to create your own report by copying the Sales Person Target Variance Item Group Wise report and changing the data fetched from sales orders to data fetched from sales invoices.

Here is the link to the code from the original report:

Here is the interesting database query that needs to be changed:

Good luck!

Thank you for the response…Will check …

Hi ,
I tried getting fetching error…

Finally done.Build sales person target variance item group-wise report based on sales invoice

Modified one for sales invoice :

#Get achieved details from sales order
def get_achieved_details(filters, sales_person, all_sales_persons, target_item_group, item_groups):
start_date, end_date = get_fiscal_year(fiscal_year = filters[“fiscal_year”])[1:]

    item_details = frappe.db.sql("""
                    sum(sii.stock_qty * (st.allocated_percentage/100)) as qty,
                    sum(sii.base_net_amount * (st.allocated_percentage/100)) as amount,
                    st.sales_person, MONTHNAME(si.creation) as month_name
                    `tabSales Invoice Item` sii, `tabSales Invoice` si, `tabSales Team` st
           and si.docstatus=1 and
                    and si.creation>=%s and si.creation<=%s
                    and exists(select name from `tabSales Person` where lft >= %s and rgt <= %s and name=st.sales_person)
                    and exists(select name from `tabItem Group` where lft >= %s and rgt <= %s and name=sii.item_group)

            group by
                    sales_person, month_name
            (start_date, end_date, all_sales_persons[sales_person].lft, all_sales_persons[sales_person].rgt,
                    item_groups[target_item_group].lft, item_groups[target_item_group].rgt), as_dict=1)

    actual_details = {}
    for d in item_details:
            actual_details.setdefault(d.month_name, frappe._dict({
                    "quantity" : 0,
                    "amount" : 0

            value_dict = actual_details[d.month_name]
            value_dict.quantity += flt(d.qty)
            value_dict.amount += flt(d.amount)

    return actual_details 

Thank u for the support!!!

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