How can delete this all at a Same time.but i don't have any delete button

I won’t to delete this all at a same time how can I do it

Go to the Role Permissions Manager and give the delete rights according to the user role.

It is not working

Is there any other way to do it

Any other way

Please check this and try it

Button is not there
So I am asking is there any way to do it

First, apply the role permission, Then reload Ctrl+Shift+R and check it.

If Task doctype has a workflow, then the delete option will not come.

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Don’t working yet

It has a workflow

Then u cannot delete the document only change the workflow status draft to cancel and if u can delete then open one by one document and delete else write the custom condition which document u have delete then run in system console

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I have tried multiple with multiple strip’s but is not working
Can u send a sample script
Are a demo script

give me the condition which document u have delete then i can write script for u and submitted document can not delete only draft status document are delete

I want to delete all the task which is linked with specific project

Use this example

Please Note Down backup your site then run this command

frappe.db.delete("Task", {"docstatus": 0, "project":"your_project_name"})
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This also not working

@Rahul123 you want to delete all the tasks you can do it from database

But I don’t have the access of database

Please enable server script

run this command in terminal

then go to system console and then execute this command