How can I create a delivery note whit POS instead Sales Invoice

Hi guys. When I set a sale whit POS it creates a sales invoice. I need to create a delivery note instead an invoice so I can decide later wich deliveri note to become invoice. Thanks

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Well… that is not the expressed purpose of POS module

The POS module is designed to be used like a cash register. The items being purchased are immediately delivered at the time of the sale, so no delivery note is needed and it is NOT part of the POS process.

I am afraid you are stuck using the Sale Order module for this task.


Before any thing thanks a lot for your answer, I apreciate your help. My issue is that I need a way a to reflect the sales at the moment they are done, an to register the move on the stock and my cogs but not acctualy an invoice because not all my retail sales are invoiced to the same party or the same customer, but I decide this after the sale is done and not at the moment the sale is being made. Lets say during day I have done the sales:

At the end of the day I need to decide wich tikets have to be invoiced together and the customers and accounts to whom those invoces belongs. as an example.

  1. invoice 1: tikets a and b
  2. Invoice 2: tiket C

This way a the end of the day I have invoiced all day tikets on two different customized invoices.

I hope my explanation was clear.

I have noticed that delivery notes is the model that better aproach to this model. But POS only allow straight invoices.

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