How can I edit source of erpnext?

This is my first try to develop python and frappe framwork.

I installed erpnext on AWS and I can see my site via web browser.

I want to customize source of erpnext.

I edited some text in a file that is located in below path.

Then I refresh my web brower. but there is no change.

Q1. How can I apply a file that I edited.
-I have no experience develop with Git , so I edited a file by editplus through FTP.

Q2. Is there any way to Dev expnext and frappe without Git.

Q3. what is the popular way to develop python ,erpnext and frappe for web Dev.

  • I am a begginer developer , so I don`t need advanced function of Dev tool.

please give me a advice

u will need to restart the server if your in production mode and want to see the changes in html / python files reflected. jS code would work with a browser refresh.

@dark0111 Read this:

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