How can I know the type of variabale that is passed on body on endpoint in erpnext14

Hello everyone,
I am newbie in erpnext, please could you tell me how can I khnow the type of fields passed
on, (if it’s exist in the documentation, please give me the link)
POST /api/resource/Sales Order


“doctype”: “Sales Order”,
“customer”: “Test Customer”,
“company_address”: “Test - Billing”,
“customer_address”: “Test-Billing-3”,
“items”: [{
“item_code”: “Mobile Display”,
“qty”: 10,
“rate”: 2000,
“delivery_date”: “2022-11-06”,
“delivery_warehouse”: “Stores - GTPL”
Thank you

Hi @Lili13,

Please check the documentation.

Thank You!