How can i put name in subject in email templatee

i want to put employe name in subject "{{ employee_name }} Approval Notification

But it’s worked properly, please check it.

u are trying via employee side

but i am trying by creating "new leave application " there email is going to leave approver and email template automatically taking

Please check it.

i am clicking submit instead of clicking email option

when i am clicking submint email automatically going to leave approver

I think, It’s enabled in the HR Settings:

@mubasher-hasan, Please don’t discuss another post in a random thread. With such a vast community, if anyone is familiar with the topic and can offer a solution, they will respond.


Hmm :thinking:
You are right @Prashanth_Kolhetkar.

It is a bug! :sweat_smile:
Don’t worry! I know what the issue is so I am trying to fix it! :wink:

Also issue is in the “Leave Status Notification” so I will fix it together.

:blush: Sure @NCP i want to explore more on frappe HR module including timesheet

hope u will be there to assit me

Hi @Prashanth_Kolhetkar,

I raised the Pull Request regarding the issue so check it.

Thnak you @NCP i took your changes once i will done then after i will mark it as solution