How can i remove cancel option from status

How can i remove drop-down option in status

I am customize and delete one option from drop-down but it’s not deleted

@Prashanth_Kolhetkar Can you please elaborate your problem?

In status dropdown we have 1)Open 2)approve 3)reject 4) cancel

so i want to remove cancel from status

try Edit Doctype option instead of customize it will work

@neha i tried but doctype is not editable

for which doctype you are trying to edit

@Prashanth_Kolhetkar Mkae sure that the developer mode is enabled, if not enable the developer mode by using below command:

bench set-config -g developer_mode 1

@Kiranmai i tried its not working, doctype is still read only

bench restart

@Prashanth_Kolhetkar use Property Setter