How can we change the receiver name Auto populating

How can we change the Customer name auto populating the Receiver name from sending email

Are you talking about the “To” email? so come from the customer contact email in sales invoice.

Yes another users get their name populated in the field “To”
So how can i make it empty

Which doctype? I think it’s an issue doctype, so it comes from the raised_by field.

And already validation set in the raised_by. so check it.

but here that for sender field not on the reciever

You can set the sender email ID field, not the receiver.

But here i want to make Receiver field (To) as empty is that possible from UI

Yes, You can.

Use server script.

DocType Event → Before Save

if doc.raised_by:
	doc.raised_by = ''

Then reload Ctrl+Shift+R and check it.