first when anyone create a ticket its show only one support team and this team can assign ticket to other releted team.
and if i have two team sales and technical and support.
when new ticket raised by user its only show to support team and support team read this and pass to releted team like sales or technical and if assign to technical then sales team will not able to see this ticket.
i try to restrict ticket by using user role permission and restrict ticket by team check box in HD Setting.
I also try with this option, also do some debugging.
From my understanding, I believe the function get_list_filters from HDTicket class which is the only place that lookup the Restrict tickets by Team.
However, from my testing, there is now where this fuction is called. And the method get_list_filters itself is created more than a year ago. I come to believe this feature is lost in development.
As temp solution, to ensure that for HD Ticket with HD Team (agent group) assigned, only HD Team member will see it. We use Server Script type Permission Query as below,
# Find HD Teams for session user
user_teams = []
teams = frappe.get_all("HD Team", pluck='name')
for team in teams:
users = []
t = frappe.get_doc("HD Team", team)
for u in t.users:
if frappe.session.user in users:
user_teams = user_teams and str(user_teams).replace('[', '(').replace(']', ')') or "('')"
conditions = "(agent_group in %s or agent_group is null)" % user_teams
@kittiu and @here, is there any other method to restrict HD Team Tickets without using a server script?
Because , The script worked as expected in local Dev setup , but it was not working in production environment.
In Production setup the the ticket list unable to see it was blank , If I disabled the server script then only I can able to see all my ticket as a agent.