How Connect Event_Streaming App to Event_Streaming Module

I have Event_Streaming App in My in ERP And In Another ERP Server Event_Streaming is Module inside Frappe App. When I insert a record in
Event Producer doctype in Event_streaming App .It Show

Failed to get method for command frappe.event_streaming.doctype.event_consumer.event_consumer.register_consumer with No module named ‘frappe.event_streaming’

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I dont undestand

Frappe Change Event Streaming Module To Event Streaming App
i have two version of frappe one is 14Version and secone one is 15Version
in 14version Event Streaming is Module in Frappe App But in 15Version
Event Streaming is App . How I create Event Producer In 14version for 15version while creating it show

Failed to get method for command frappe.event_streaming.doctype.event_consumer.event_consumer.register_consumer with No module named 'frappe.event_streaming'

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I’m guessing that are since you are using v14 to create the Event producer it’s going to expect that the event streaming module lives in frappe on the consumer site as well, which it doesn’t since it was moved as you mentioned. Look into and see.