How do i create a Shortcut for Material Receipt/Issue?

I need to create a shortcut for easily access Material Receipt and Material Issue in Stock module .

Now it is possible to give short cut to Stock Entry but user find it difficult choosing Purpose in Stock Entry .

Is there option to have shortcuts with preset fields in a form ?

Also it would have been better if seperate form views are there for Issue/Receipt/Transfer when the volume is huge


You can add the Stock Entry List Page to the Desk by adding it from the menu “Add to Desktop”

Yes,i do use it but i wanted Stock Entry with Purpose Material Issue as a Shortcut so the user goes to the link for just doing that Purpose.

Im doing duplicate doctype and setting default values for material receipt and issue .Any problem with this method ?

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If i do this duplicate doctype from Doctype List,how do i export it as custom app ?

Use the following script to restrict the purpose of stock entry for that user.

Actually,it is not about denial of access but to reduce the mistakes and better usability by going to a single link for a purpose in stock entry