How do i disallow hyphens in my field

I have to disallow hyphens for license plate field in my vehicle doctype how do i do that. I only want to enter data with spaces not with hyphens.
For example
TN-AB-123 i dont want like that, i want to enter TN AB 123 like this without hyphens.
pls help…

Make sure your field is not used in the document title or naming series.

yeah it is used as naming_series, is there anything i can do for that if not, i would change naming_series to any other fields it would help right? after that what should i do!!!

Your document name can not and shouldn’t have spaces.

Ok i will change document title to any other fields from vehicle_no, so what should i do to do not include hyphens in the field vehicle_no

Nothing, make sure your field type is “data”.
Edit: is this a custom Doctype?

its not a custom.