How do i read attached excel file in client side with attach field type

I have attach field type for attach an excel file so How do I read data of attached file in client side i have done that with button field type

load_shift_schedule(frm) {
		new frappe.ui.FileUploader({
			as_dataurl: true,
			allow_multiple: false,
			on_success(file) {
				frappe.require('/assets/erpnext_addons/js/xlsx.core.min.js', () => {
					var workbook ="base64,")[1],{type:"base64"});
						var data = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_row_object_array(workbook.Sheets[sheetName]);

@Sagar_Patil I am also facing this issue. I added a custom field attach to a doctype and in V13 the attachment would be accessible from the left panel but as of V14 the attachment no longer shows up there and the attach field becomes read-only.

Did you find any solution

@Sagar_Patil No I did not find any solution