How i can make 3 pages website that use to sell event tickets?

So, Im building one online ticket platform.

So there are total 3 pages for our end client.

  1. First page will have list of tickets that our participants will select.

  2. 2nd page will have the option to add participants’ details for selected tickets. so let’s say I took 1 Free ticket and 1 paid then i will have option to give one ticket to Participant 1 and 2nd ticket to participant 2. basically FN, LN and Email of Participant will be enough i guess

  3. Checkout - As of now Cash only. later will integrate razorpay or smt

List of Doctyes

Event - it will have information of events that are on going near by

Ticket - it will contain the tickets with Linked field of Event.

Order - it will contain the information of Order like Order type (cash, Card, buyer info, etc)

Event Ticket - its child table of Order. it contains the participants info + associte ticket id

Solution 1 :
I made a single checkout page by making parent child doctypes web form.

Solution 2 : Not implemented yet

Requirement : I want multipel pages like first is ticket selection, 2nd is participants info and 3rd is checkout -

So, we need first 4 doctype as mentioned above but no child doctype. and create web form for Order and Event tickets, and create 3rd checkout page .

I want to modify the web form for Order doctype but i dont find from where i can. I have tried by creating create_order.html inside the package of Create order webform but does not work.

Que -

Does my requirement possible by webform or should i go with WWW ( portal ) pages only ?

what are the ways to implement this ?

Thanks in advance for your help!!