Hi guys,
Please Give Some Information About a Sales Return…The Customer Purchase A One Item-2 Qty From Shop And Paid For Tht Item.Nextday That Customer Give Only One Qty Return to Shop.Now How ll I Put The Sales Return For That Particular Customer ?
Create Stock Entry ( Purpose - ‘Sales Return’ ) with respective Delivery Note or Sales Invoice No and mention the return item with qty.
Geetanjali Shitole
New Indictrans Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Thanks For A Reply.Whn I Submitted The Sales Return This Msg Is Displayed.
Concept Is
At That time Sales Is Return(Stock Is Increase) —>My Cash Is Decrease -->Customer Cash Is Increase.
how ll I Done Ths Step In My Sales Return…Please
Please Give Some Useful information.
After sales return, create ‘Credit Note’ (Journal Voucher: Select Voucher Type as ‘Credit Note’) In which Customer account should be ‘Debit’.
Geetanjali Shitole
New Indictrans Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Once Again Thanks…@geetanjali
When I put The Credit note 
Ths Msg Is Displayed.After That I Remove The Sales Invoice And Then Credit Note Is Submitted.
But My stock Is Not increase…
Stock will increase after submitting Stock Entry (Sales Return ) not after Credit Note(JV).
After submitting Stock Entry with purpose Sales Return-
Go to ‘Stock Legder’ and ‘Stock Balance’ report to Check stock of respective item .
Geetanjali Shitole
New Indictrans Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
thanks for All the Reply@/Geetanjali