How long does it take for documentation contributions to be reviewed?

I was making documentation corrections (some were just simple grammar improvements) a few months ago but they seem to be mostly ignored thus far. So I stopped contributing to the documentation because its unclear to me whether my changes will ever be seen or approved.

I had read in these forums that contributors have difficulty getting code changes approved or reviewed and that we should start by contributing to the documentation. But I am nervous that I am wasting my time on that too.

Anyone have any experience here? Am I wasting my time?

@ankush : I apologize for pinging you directly, Ankush. However, youā€™re one of the most active Frappe-employed forum users. So Iā€™m assuming youā€™re already surfing here.

Can you provide the name(s) and contact information of the Maintainers who are responsible for approving submissions to the Official Documentation?

If a few of us know that, then whenever people like @Andrew_Rogers need help with their contributions, we can ask them to have a private conversation with a Maintainer. Rather than risk an unproductive/heated forum debate.



I canā€™t find any changes on

What is your username on docs site? Or is it on ERPNext site?

Usually, docs donā€™t get that many contributions so they are only reviewed every month or so by developers. Few community members who regularly contribute have rights to approve changes from others and also change docs without approval.

Thereā€™s no list but itā€™s mostly Frappe devs + few community members like snv, barredterra etc. I just give those rights to folks whoā€™ve contributed frequently and donā€™t need to be approved :sweat_smile:

Code contributions while harder, are reviewed more frequently (almost every working day), things fall off the queue but itā€™s not as slow as docs pipeline :slight_smile:

Edit: Telegram: Contact @frappe_contributors you can use this Telegram group to ā€œfollow upā€ on important contributions or discuss before sending them. Usually better to discuss large code changes as thereā€™s a chance theyā€™d just get rejected straightaway if they donā€™t align with projectā€™s goals :sweat_smile:

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Thank you, @ankush :star:

Seems like joining Telegram is almost a necessity, if someone wants to actively participate in Documentation contributions?

The last time I used that app, there were only 20 or 30 people in there. It sounds like in the past few years, it has grown into a rather important communication tool for Frappe Framework and ERPNext users.

Thanks for the info here. I wonder whether I am making changes in a location that is not checked. All I have been doing is clicking on the ā€˜Edit Pageā€™ link at the bottom of documentation page. Is that correct?

These are some the contributions I made. I wonder whether the first ones were ignored because it seems the GUI editor makes changes to almost every line even when my change was just one spelling mistake correction. So i started making the changes to markup directly which would make reviewing much easier.

I assume my user name on the site is I log in with my company google account.

Any update on this? Are improvements to the documentation still wanted? If so, how and where?

How to contribute to documentation? By forking some repository? If yes, which one.

Login has:


Here what is Frappe account? How to get a login?

Login has facilities to create account. I tried, what could not get verification email.

Iā€™m also unsure about how to contribute to the documentation.