How make doctype Submittable in production?

I hava doctype not Submittable and I want to make Submittable in production mode.
I don’t find any option in Customize Form to do this?

Any way to do this?

It’s in the DocType tab:

Hi @Mohammed_Redha,

  • And give “Submit” permission to respective Document Type from “Role Permission Manager”

@Ben_Cornwell_Mott @shraddha Thanks you all for your reply, as I said I am in production mode!
I will not be able to choose is submitteable or add role to the doctype

Switch to develop mode:

bench --site [sitename] set-config developer_mode 1

Set is_submitable and get back to prodution

@JoEz I don’t want to do that!
let’s assume that we are in erpnext cloud, I dont have privilege to use set-config command.
and second thing I don’t want to change the doctype to be submitteable for all sites , I want it for one site only

Well, ask team the code for you … :grin:

@JoEz Can I handle it with workflow as work Around and put first Doc Status as Submitted?

@Mohammed_Redha sorry, not sure about workflows …i’m not able to help