As status “Not saved” showing
scripting did in Expiry days Left
Please look for the error in Browser Console by pressing F12.
You may get some pointer for error which prevents data to saved.
Divyesh M.
Let me explain,
I have added a custom field Expiry Days Left which is calculating (Today’s date - Expiry date ), You can see from the client script i have attached, and my client script is working fine
So on daily basis it should be subtract the no of days in that field, and the data will be saved automatically.
So how should i handle this…
For this you should use the Server script instead of client script. Convert your existing client script to server script. Select Script Type Scheduler Event and Frequency you can put Daily.
Below is an example of a Server script to update the date in Shift Type Documents daily. You can change the data according to your requirement.
Divyesh M.