How Rollback init bench to init?

When executive the following instructions
bench init --frappe-branch version-15 frappe-bench
Fail network
How Rollback it to try init again ?


Rollback Steps:

  1. Remove the Partially Created Directory:
  • The bench init command creates a new directory (in your case, frappe-bench). If the process fails, you should delete this directory to remove the partially created setup.
  • Run the following command to delete it:


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rm -rf frappe-bench
  1. Check for Residual Processes:
  • Sometimes, processes started during the initialization may still be running. Ensure there are no lingering processes by checking with:


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ps aux | grep bench
  • If you find any, you can kill them using:


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kill <PID>

Replace <PID> with the actual process ID.
3. Clear DNS Cache (Optional):

  • Network failures could be related to DNS issues. You might want to clear your DNS cache before retrying:


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sudo systemd-resolve --flush-caches
  1. Retry bench init:
  • After cleaning up, you can retry the initialization:


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bench init --frappe-branch version-15 frappe-bench