How to access database using workbench or any other tool

Wanted to understand if my db is running in the container how can i access that db as i see the db port is not published ?


Try docker network ls , then docker network inspect the frappe docker network to see the ip of the db server.

Not worked as my container is running in EC2 instance, so not be able to connect with db container using any ip

I’m not familiar with AWS port forwarding, It looks like a security group or rule would have to be created forwarding traffic to the db container ip and port.

I have configured the security group but the db container not exposed to public so its not allowing me to connect with my workbench.
Do you know how we can expose the container port while running the command of setup the container.

If the ip of the mariadb container is known, and the host has a mysql client , try connecting something like mysql -uroot -padmin -hip.of.the.container. If that is possible then a port forward should also work.