How to add a custom form in "Authorization Rule" list

Hello everyone,

I’ve created a custom form which requires authorization to submit. I checked the " Authorization Rule list" but couldn’t find any option to add custom form in it.
Is the list editable?


Hi @deepak19,

You can’t easily edit it, but if you want to add an option, use Properly Setter. However, there are many problems, like having to set up custom document type code in the Authorization Rule, which can be tricky to implement. And It’s linked with lots of code.

I hope this helps.

Thank You!

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Thank you for the information @NCP ! I guess i wont be able to edit the form either as it’s hosted in frappe cloud and I dont have access.

Hello @NCP

Is there any other way to submit a “custom form” to a user for approval?


We don’t understand what you say.

If you want, then apply the workflow for the custom form.

Thank You!

Hello @NCP ,

The erpnext documentation for workflow helped me to figure out the solution here. The use-case scenario was to built a submittable custom form which will be filled by an employee (having rights to submit for approval). And store manager approving the form. So I created a workflow with “approve” and “reject” states.
