How to add authentication to portal pages or web pages

How to add authentication to portal pages or web pages .
Is thare any inbuild functionality provided by frappe to add login_required to Portal page or Web Page.
I have a custom app and i need to add authentication to few of my web pages.
Can any one please guide me

In your get_context method you may add something like this:

if frappe.session.user=='Guest':
    frappe.throw(_("You need to be logged in to access this page"), frappe.PermissionError)

As mincerray explained you can add the context script under the web page section as shown in the below image.

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thanks for quick reply

Thanks Aadhil it worked

Hey Aadhil, if I need to redirect to login page instead of showing permission error, is that possible? Tried few ways and is not working for me.

if frappe.session.user == ‘Guest’:
frappe.local.flags.redirect_location = ‘/login’
raise frappe.Redirect

Is there any way to protect a whole directory (Structure) with one python script?

has anyone tried to redirect the user to the original web page after the user has successfully logged in?