How to add button "Get Items From" in new doctype?

Hello, previously I created a new doctype with the name “Proforma Invoice”, by duplicating the doctype from the Sales Order. Everything went well and there were no problems.

Then I wanted to try making a Proforma Invoice, but I saw that in the top right corner there was no “Get Items From” button like in the Sales Order.

The question is, how do you create/add a “Get Items From” button on the Proforma Invoice like the one on the Sales Order?

I hope someone can help me, I have searched various forums and articles and have not found a solution related to my problem. Thanks.

use client script

You will have to write a client script for that. Refer to the client script of the Sales Invoice.

like this? but not work.

button not visible

can you help me the scripts?

Why don’t you use the invoice in Draft state or Sales Quotation which are standard functionality and come with all the perks.