@Sandeep Clearly you haven’t carefully read the documents. Both ways are for different use cases.
If you are customizing form to add few fields to existing standard document, then front-end based method is de facto way of doing it for regular users.
The Other one is useful for developers or advanced users, to customize behaviour programmatically.
Note: Kindly follow the posting guidelines before posting here. Thanks
Man, I mean at least we must use concept like inheritance for this kind of thing.
Thanks Man… give community is clearer thing not where people confused. and at least if you don’t have answer for the question you must not react on the post, so at least someone can.
Apart from english that I am not familiar with, it is about quality of the forum. For instance you asked 2h ago and expect instant reply. On this matter @yashodhan is 100% right and I am thinking twice before tagging people which are busy developing FOR US.
If I cannot find something in the docs (which I believe you read, before asking questions) I go for the source code to see how developers do this (you are 8+ years python pro - so I believe u can handle reading code?)