How to add Date range filter in script reports?

I have a script report called Trip Report MIS. For this report I have multiple filters. One of them is Date Range. On this filter I want to let user select a range of data and based on that it should filter docs that were created within that range (I have a field ‘created_on’). How do i make this happen.
Here is my code


frappe.query_reports["Trip Report MIS V2"] = {
	"filters": [
			'fieldname': 'name',
			'label': __('Trip Id'),
			'fieldtype': 'Link',
			'options': 'Trips'
			'fieldname': 'lr_number',
			'label': __('LR Number'),
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'vendor',
			'label': __('Vendor'),
			'fieldtype': 'Link',
			'options': 'Vendor'
			'fieldname': 'vehicle_number',
			'label': __('Vehicle Number'),
			'fieldtype': 'Link',
			'options': 'Vehicle'
			'fieldname': 'origin',
			'label': __('Source/Origin'),
			'fieldtype': 'Link',
			'options': 'Geofence'
			'fieldname': 'destination',
			'label': __('Destination'),
			'fieldtype': 'Link',
			'options': 'Geofence'
			'fieldname': 'driver_number',
			'label': __('Driver Number'),
			'fieldtype': 'Data'
			'fieldname': 'created_at',
			'label': 'Date Range',
			'fieldtype': 'Date'
			'fieldname': 'status',
			'label': __('Status'),
			'fieldtype': 'Select',
			'options': ['', 'Driver Consent Pending', 'Loading', 'Enroute to Destination', 'Unloading', 'Completed', 'Stopped', 'Completed & POD received'],
			'default': ''


def execute(filters=None):
	print("Inside execute()", "%" * 30)
	if not filters:
		filters = {}

	columns = get_columns()
	data = get_data(filters)
	return columns, data

def get_columns():
	print("Inside get_columns()", "%" * 30)
	return [
			'fieldname': 'customer',
			'label': 'Customer',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'trip_id',
			'label': 'Trip Id',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'lr_number',
			'label': 'LR Number',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'user',
			'label': 'User',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'source',
			'label': 'Source',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'destination',
			'label': 'Destination',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'driver_name',
			'label': 'Driver Name',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'driver_mobile',
			'label': 'Driver Mobile',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'vehicle',
			'label': 'Vehicle',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'status',
			'label': 'Status',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'start_time',
			'label': 'Start Time',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'completed_at',
			'label': 'Completed At',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'total_distance',
			'label': 'Total Distance',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'total_distance_travel',
			'label': 'Total Distance Travel',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'pending_km',
			'label': 'Pending Km',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'eta',
			'label': 'ETA',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'daywise_dist_travel',
			'label': 'Daywise Dist. Travel',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'origin_in',
			'label': 'Origin In',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'origin_out',
			'label': 'Origin Out',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'loading_time',
			'label': 'Loading Time (Days, Hh:Mm:sec)',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'destination_in',
			'label': 'Destination In',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'destination_out',
			'label': 'Destination Out',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'unloading_time',
			'label': 'Unloading Time (Days, Hh:Mm:sec)',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'total_halt_time',
			'label': 'Total Halt Time',
			'fieldtype': 'Duration',
			'fieldname': 'current_address',
			'label': 'Current Address',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'last_tracked_at',
			'label': 'Last Tracked At',
			'fieldtype': 'Data',
			'fieldname': 'created_at',
			'label': 'Created On (Date Hh:Mm:sec)',
			'fieldtype': 'Datetime',
			'fieldname': 'track',
			'label': 'Track',
			'fieldtype': 'HTML',

def get_data(filters):
	print("Inside get_data()", "%" * 30)
	conditions = get_conditions(filters)

	trip_list = frappe.get_all(
		'origin_out','destination_in','destination_out','last_location','last_updated_at','total_halt_time', 'created_at'],

	d = []

	for trip in trip_list:
		trip_doc = frappe.get_doc('Trips', trip['name'])

		daywise_str = ""

		for i, e in enumerate(trip_doc.daywise_travel):
			daywise_str = daywise_str + "{} -- {} Km || ".format(, e.distance_travel)		

		loading_time = 0
		unloading_time = 0

		if (trip['origin_in'] != None and trip['origin_in'] != "") and (trip['origin_out'] != None and trip['origin_out'] != ""):
			loading_time = trip['origin_out'] - trip['origin_in']

		if (trip['destination_in'] != None and trip['destination_in'] != "") and (trip['destination_out'] != None and trip['destination_out'] != ""):
			unloading_time = trip['destination_out'] - trip['destination_in']

		track_link = "";

		info = {
			'customer': trip['customer'],
			'trip_id': trip['name'],
			'lr_number': trip['lr_number'],
			'user': trip['owner'],
			'source': trip['origin'],
			'destination': trip['destination'],
			'driver_name': trip['driver_name'],
			'driver_mobile': trip['driver_number'],
			'vehicle': trip['vehicle_number'],
			'status': trip['status'],
			'start_time': trip['created_at'],
			'completed_at': trip['last_update'],
			'total_distance': '{} Km'.format(trip['total_distance']),
			'total_distance_travel': '{} Km'.format(trip['distance_travel']),
			'pending_km': '{} Km'.format(trip['total_distance'] - trip['distance_travel']),
			'eta': trip['eta'],
			'daywise_dist_travel': daywise_str,
			'origin_in': trip['origin_in'],
			'origin_out': trip['origin_out'],
			'loading_time': '{}'.format(loading_time),
			'destination_in': trip['destination_in'],
			'destination_out': trip['destination_out'],
			'unloading_time': '{}'.format(unloading_time),
			'total_halt_time': trip['total_halt_time'],
			'current_address': trip['last_location'],
			'last_tracked_at': trip['last_updated_at'],
			'created_at': trip['created_at'], 
			'track': '<a style="color: blue;" target="_blank" href="{0}">{1}</a>'.format(track_link,track_link)

	return d

def get_conditions(filters):
	print("Inside get_conditions()", "%" * 30)
	conditions = {}
	for key, value in filters.items():
		if filters.get(key):
			conditions[key] = value
	return conditions

try this for date range:

	"filters": [
			"label": __("Enter Your Date Range"),
			"fieldtype": "Date Range",

to set default values in the date range so follow the script in the JS file:

dobFrom = new Date();
dobFrom.setFullYear(dobFrom.getFullYear() - 50);
dobTo = new Date();
frappe.query_reports["My Script Report"] = {
	"filters": [
			"label": __("Enter Your Date Range "),
			"fieldtype": "Date Range",
			"default": [dobFrom,dobTo]