How to Add Date flter in Script Report

I want date filter in my script report like if I select date fromdate To todate then I want data between that.

I’ve tested a lot of methods but couldn’t find any.

Here is my script :point_down:

columns = [
    "label": _("Supplier"),
    "fieldname": "supplier",
    "fieldtype": "Data",
    "width": 200,
    "label": _("Total Quantity"),
    "fieldname": "total_qty",
    "fieldtype": "Int",
    "width": 150,
    "label": _("Received Quantity"),
    "fieldname": "received_qty",
    "fieldtype": "Int",
    "width": 150,
    "label": _("Balance Quantity"),
    "fieldname": "balance_qty",
    "fieldtype": "Int",
    "width": 150,

result = frappe.get_list("Purchase Order", filters={"docstatus": 1}, fields=['supplier', 'total_qty'])

# Dictionary to store supplier-wise totals
supplier_totals = {}

for i in result:
supplier = i.supplier

# Initialize supplier's total quantities if not present
if supplier not in supplier_totals:
    supplier_totals[supplier] = {
        "total_qty": 0,
        "received_qty": 0

# Increment total quantity for the supplier
supplier_totals[supplier]["total_qty"] = supplier_totals[supplier].get("total_qty", 0) + i.total_qty

# Fetch received quantities for each supplier
for supplier, totals in supplier_totals.items():
values = {'supplier': supplier}
rq = frappe.db.sql("""
FROM `tabPurchase Receipt Item` pri
INNER JOIN `tabPurchase Receipt` pr ON pri.parent =
WHERE pr.supplier = %(supplier)s
AND pri.docstatus = 1
""", values=values, as_dict=0)

received_qty = int(rq[0][0]) if rq and rq[0][0] is not None else 0
supplier_totals[supplier]["received_qty"] = received_qty

# Calculate balance quantities and prepare the result
result = []
for supplier, totals in supplier_totals.items():
total_qty = totals["total_qty"]
received_qty = totals["received_qty"]
balance_qty = total_qty - received_qty

    "supplier": supplier,
    "total_qty": total_qty,
    "received_qty": received_qty,
    "balance_qty": balance_qty

# Return columns and modified result
data = columns, result

Output: But Filter not work

Please Help Me.
Thank You.

Replace this line with the line in your code:

result = frappe.get_list("Purchase Order", filters={"docstatus": 1, "transaction_date": [">",filters.get("from_dt"), "and", "<",filters.get("to_dt")]}, fields=['supplier', 'total_qty'])

Here according to your code,
from_dt → from_date
to_dt → to_date

After replacing this code nothing is coming in the report

Thanks for your reply but not working.

Pls share your updated code…

Because i have tried and is working on my device.

I think so you didn’t change the filter values as i said,

result = frappe.get_list(“Purchase Order”, filters={“docstatus”: 1, “transaction_date”: [“>”,filters.get(“from_date”), “and”, “<”,filters.get(“to_date”)]}, fields=[‘supplier’, ‘total_qty’])

Try this code, it will definitely work.

Otherwise use it.

from_date = filters.get('from_date')
to_date = filters.get('to_date')

filters = {
    'transaction_date': ['between', [from_date, to_date]],
    'docstatus': 1

result = frappe.get_list("Purchase Order", filters=filters, fields=['supplier', 'total_qty'])

columns = [
    "label": _("Supplier"),
    "fieldname": "supplier",
    "fieldtype": "Data",
    "width": 200,
    "label": _("Total Quantity"),
    "fieldname": "total_qty",
    "fieldtype": "Int",
    "width": 150,
    "label": _("Received Quantity"),
    "fieldname": "received_qty",
    "fieldtype": "Int",
    "width": 150,
    "label": _("Balance Quantity"),
    "fieldname": "balance_qty",
    "fieldtype": "Int",
    "width": 150,

result = frappe.get_list(“Purchase Order”, filters={“docstatus”: 1, “transaction_date”: 
[“>”,filters.get(“from_date”), “and”, “<”,filters.get(“to_date”)]}, fields=[‘supplier’, ‘total_qty’])

# Dictionary to store supplier-wise totals
supplier_totals = {}

for i in result:
supplier = i.supplier

# Initialize supplier's total quantities if not present
if supplier not in supplier_totals:
    supplier_totals[supplier] = {
        "total_qty": 0,
        "received_qty": 0

# Increment total quantity for the supplier
supplier_totals[supplier]["total_qty"] = supplier_totals[supplier].get("total_qty", 0) + i.total_qty

  # Fetch received quantities for each supplier
for supplier, totals in supplier_totals.items():
values = {'supplier': supplier}
rq = frappe.db.sql("""
FROM `tabPurchase Receipt Item` pri
INNER JOIN `tabPurchase Receipt` pr ON pri.parent =
WHERE pr.supplier = %(supplier)s
AND pri.docstatus = 1
""", values=values, as_dict=0)

received_qty = int(rq[0][0]) if rq and rq[0][0] is not None else 0
supplier_totals[supplier]["received_qty"] = received_qty

 # Calculate balance quantities and prepare the result
result = []
for supplier, totals in supplier_totals.items():
total_qty = totals["total_qty"]
received_qty = totals["received_qty"]
balance_qty = total_qty - received_qty

    "supplier": supplier,
    "total_qty": total_qty,
    "received_qty": received_qty,
    "balance_qty": balance_qty

# Return columns and modified result
data = columns, result

Updated Code.

Actually this code and also shown above by @NCP should work as it is working on our device,

You can try removing docstatus filter and check.

And verify if you are not doing something wrong.