How To Add Dynamic Link Table In Frappe.Dialog

Hi All,
i want to add Dynamic link table inside frappe.dialog.


this.dialog = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
		'static': 1,
		'title': __('Dialog'),
		'minimizable': true,
		'indicator': 'blue',
		'fields': [
				label: 'Links',
				fieldname: 'links',
				fieldtype: 'Table',
                options: 'Dynamic Link'
		primary_action: () => {		

it is not worked as expected,
Any idea on this?

const table_fields = [
            label: 'Link Document Type',
            fieldname: 'link_doctype',
            fieldtype: 'Link',
            options: 'DocType',
            in_list_view: 1
            label: 'Link Name',
            fieldname: 'link_name',
            fieldtype: 'Dynamic Link',
            options: 'link_doctype',
            in_list_view: 1
            label: 'Link Title',
            fieldname: 'link_title',
            fieldtype: 'Data',
            in_list_view: 1
let d = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
    title: 'Dialog',
    fields: [
            label: 'Link Document Type',
            fieldname: 'link_doctype',
            fieldtype: 'Link',
            options: 'DocType',
            in_list_view: 1
            label: 'Link Name',
            fieldname: 'link_name',
            fieldtype: 'Dynamic Link',
            options: 'link_doctype',
            in_list_view: 1
            label: 'Links',
            fieldname: 'links',
            fieldtype: 'Table',
            cannot_add_rows: false,
			in_place_edit: true,
			reqd: 1,
			data: [],
			fields: table_fields
    primary_action_label: 'Submit',
    primary_action(values) {

Try this way. It may help you.

Thank for your reply, But it’s not worked as expected inside child table
Is it working at your end in child table