How to add events to connections in sales order?

We have events linked to sales orders.
To make it easy to find all the events linked to the sale order, we were thinking of having an “events” link in the connections tab.

So when we click on the link in the connections, it will go to event list page and search all events with sales order number.

Tried customize sales order but the connections tab looks empty.
Tried editing the doctype but cannot figure out connections.

Need advice on how to get it events in the sales order connections.

Please help.

Hi @pvanthony:

  1. Customize Event doctype. Add link field “Sales Order”

  2. Customize Sales Order Doctype. Add Document Connection to Event.
    Field name is custom_sales_order (on v15 and above all custom fields adds custom_ preffix)

Hope this helps.


Adding to @avc, but you can also remove the custom_ prefix from the custom field doctype. Just you have to change the name of the field from button and check it.

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Yahooooooo! It works.

Now there is the Events appearing in the connections.

Thank you for sharing the knowledge!!!

Especially for the screenshot. It helped a lot!

By the way, there was no custom written on the field name.
I am using v15.

Is that a best practice so that we can differenciate between fields user adds and fields that are in the system?

By the way, there was no custom written on the field name.
I am using v15.

Is that a best practice so that we can differentiate between fields user adds and fields that are in the system?

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Now need to figure out how to set the filter in the events connection so that when it goes to the events list, it will filter by the its sales order number.

Any tips on where I can search for this?

Or how to take a look at the current settings of the connections buttons?

If I can see the current ‘Connection’ buttons setting then I am hoping, I can learn how to set so that when it goes to the event listing, it will filter to the sales order number.

Hi @pvanthony:

Actually it should works that way …

Thank you very much for the video.

Once I added an event, it works as you said.

My bad for not actually having an event.

Thank you very much for looking into this and more importantly for helping me.

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Things like this happens everyday :wink: Glad to be helpful!

This solutions work fine, but if you are looking to find all events with sales order you should do SQL query report with Join

You can watch this video:

Thank you for the video. It is very useful and informative.

The report feature is truly very use full.

I would like to create a report that shows a particulate item in all sales orders.
Like T-shirts in all sales order.

My next learning project.

Thank you very much for sharing the video that shows the power of reporting.

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