How to Add Filter in Web Form List?

In the Web form’s List view I want to add a filter to the project field .How can i gain access to this Web Form’s list page ? I can access the Doctype’s List view with this code .

frappe.listview_settings["Doctype'] = {


But how can I gain access to web form’s Listview .

i was able to achieve this by this code . i created a new filter and placed it there from the ground up

frappe.ready(function() {
    const observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
        mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
            if (mutation.type === 'childList' || mutation.type === 'attributes') {
                if (frappe.web_form_list && Object.keys(frappe.web_form_list).length > 0) {
                    console.log("Custom script for tickets web form list loaded");

                        method: "path",
                        args: {
                            user: frappe.session.user
                        callback: function(r) {
                            if (r.message) {
                                let projectOptions = => ({
                                    label: project.project_name,

                                // Add an empty option at the beginning
                                projectOptions.unshift({ label: '', value: '' });

                                // Create the Select control
                                let projectFilter = frappe.ui.form.make_control({
                                    df: {
                                        fieldtype: "Select",
                                        // label :"Project",
                                        fieldname: "project",
                                        options: projectOptions,
                                        onchange: function(event) {
                                            let selectedProject = projectFilter.get_value();
                                            frappe.web_form_list.filters = {
                                                project: selectedProject || undefined
                                    parent: $(".web-list-filters"),
                                    render_input: true

                                // Add custom styles for height
                                    height: '70px', // Adjust the height as needed
                                    padding: '0px'

                                // Add tooltip and placeholder
                                    .attr("title", __("Project"))
                                        delay: { show: 600, hide: 100 },
                                        trigger: "hover"

                                projectFilter.$input.attr("placeholder", __("Select Project"));

                                // Push the filter into the web_form_list filter_input array

                                // Disconnect the observer after setting filters

    // Start observing the target node for mutations
    const targetNode = document.querySelector('.web-list-table');
    if (targetNode) {
        observer.observe(targetNode, {
            childList: true,
            attributes: true,
            subtree: true