How to add indicator colors to custom fields

I want to create custom indicators for different options,
I tried the following script, script displaying color indicators but in the status field, I want to add this somewhere else (for party_type, see below screenshot)

get_indicator: function(doc) {
	if (doc.party_type === "Supplier") {
		return [__("Supplier"), "green"];
	} else if (doc.party_type === "Vendor"){
		return [__("Vendor"), "blue"];


How to do this?

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A little bit late but I have used this code:

(function () {
    frappe.ui.form.on('Delivery Note', {
        refresh: function (frm, cdt, cdn) {

            frm.set_indicator_formatter('item_code', function (doc) {
                return doc.docstatus == 1 || doc.qty <= doc.actual_qty ? "green" : "orange";
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