How to add new doctype and tracking page in portal?

i want to add new custom created doctype tracking in customer portal, any one have idea
Please help me to solve this @avc

currently it show error like this

Hi @nilpatel42,

Please go to the Portal Setting and add the doctype that you want and reload and check it.

I hope this helps.

Thank You!

i already added but how to make portal page to track repairing or customer can check his/her repairing machine status

Thank You for your reply

Hi @nilpatel42,

That for, you should create a web form it and added same path (Route) and reload and check it.


I hope this helps.

Thank You!

i need like order, customer not need or can not add repairing, customer only see his own past repairing and ongoing repairing like this

Thank you

Customization required, sorry for that.

sorry but can you overview the process in short, like from client script or server script

Server side and also need html/css for designing.

okay thank you so much